Tuesday 24 December 2013

Devyani episode: A spy case that went awry?

Devyani’s father, Uttam Khobargade, now suspects that the maid Sangeeta Richard was a CIA agent. Foreign office sources say that as deputy consul general in New York, Devyani was not privy to any strategic secrets. So if an agent was planted in her house it was only to cultivate her for the ‘long run’. After all in the long run, Devyani would only go in one direction in her career – upwards.

There is no gainsaying that intelligence agents are not planted in the house or office of every foreign service officer. That leads to the question: why was Devyani chosen? Indian intelligence analysts say that this was possible because US intelligence agencies perceived – rightly or wrongly – that  Devyani had many weaknesses. The first weakness was that she had married an Indian-American who at least till they got married had a US citizenship. Under the rules applicable to Indian foreign service officers, they cannot marry foreign citizens. In the present case, Devyani’s husband would have to give up his citizenship and take up Indian citizenship. I do not know whether Devyani’s hubby Aakash Singh Rathore has done this. For those who came in late, as reported in TOI, Aakash is a professor of philosophy who takes deep interests in wine matters. It is not clear whether Aakash has taken up Indian citizenship or taken up a PIO (Person of Indian Origin card). But what is strange is that in the whole matter concerning his wife he is nowhere to be heard or seen. He is obviously keeping a studied silence. Aakash did not migrate to the US recently; he was born in New York, so it was probably his father who moved to the US. 
This leads to Devyani’s second weakness: likely inclination to continue in the US for long to be with her hubby. Devyani’s name has cropped up in the Adarsh scam. This is another weakness. Foreign agents love to cultivate officers who are vulnerable even if it is in their domestic country. Reports also indicate that she had used pressure to get her foreign language training in German at the cost of some of her batchmates who had a higher rank and that this was a subject matter of dispute in court. Subsequently, Devyani was posted in Berlin. She is believed to have met Aakash while undergoing German language training at the Goethe Institute in that country.

Foreign service officers who worked with Devyani assert that they strongly believe that she had political ambitions and would have certainly contested elections in the future (now the possibility increases with all the sympathy she is garnering). This would have made Devyani a rather attractive proposition for any spy agency. What better than have an upward mobile officer who could become a future lawmaker, in their pocket?

Devyani also committed a blunder by paying Sangeeta less than what she promised to pay her. This is precisely what officially the case is all about.

The most important issue is, why did Sangeeta Richard then give up her cover and focus attention on Devyani? There are no easy answers but it is conceivable that Devyani realized that she was being watched and put pressure on Sangeeta to sing pointing out that she was vulnerable because her family was still in India. If this is the case, then kudos to Devyani for being smart enough to realize that she was being targeted. As pressure mounted on her Sangeeta first ran away and then put counterpressure on Devyani by filing a case. She possibly had help also from a US diplomat at whose whom she worked in New Delhi.

Devyani went to meet Sangeeta’s lawyer but what transpired is not known. Meanwhile, to protect Sangeeta, US agencies went an extra mile to evacuate Sangeeta’s husband and two kids before arresting Devyani. There is no gainsaying that Indo-American Preet Bharara (who as a neo-convert is trying to be more loyal than the king; he was born in Ferozepur) overdid his bit and the US agencies handcuffed and strip-searched Devyani. This has caused a furore in India and has gone against the Americans whether they admit it or not.

Domestic politics is making foreign minister Salman Khurshid overreact. The fear of Modi looms large: Khurshid expects Modi to shout from the rooftops that the Indian government can’t even protect its women diplomats from humiliation abroad. If the pitch is raised, the move has the potential to cost Congress valuable votes in the forthcoming elections. Modi has, however,  done nothing of the sort, but Khurshid can’t take him for granted (don’t forget Modi has been denied a US visa). In the process, Khurshid has done something that leaves Devyani vulnerable. She has been withdrawn from the New York consulate, where she had limited diplomatic immunity and posted to the UN, where she will get full diplomatic immunity. But this full immunity will be applicable to her from the date that the US government accepts her as a diplomat accredited to the UN. In the interim, she is left without any diplomatic cover.

So, in the ultimate analysis, is it a case of spying gone awfully wrong?  

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