Wednesday 26 March 2014

The key Points of the Congress Manifesto

- Right to Healthcare, Right to Homestead, Right to Social Security

- Ensure everybody has access to quality healthcare. Health expenditure will be increased to 3 per cent of GDP.

- Functional toilets will be ensured for every school and household.

- Introduce a three-year diploma course in public health. By 2020, target is to create 6o lakh new jobs in the health sector.

- Keeping eye on production, bringing back high economic growth rate

- Fixed pension scheme for the aged and disabled

- Ensure health insurance and pension cover for the entire labour class.

- Special focus on labour working in hazardous industries.

- All migrant labourers will be covered under the Aadhaar programme within one year.

- The Unorganised Workers' Social Security Act, 2008 will be implemented in letter and spirit.

- Economic security to low income families.

- Eight per cent growth rate within 100 days of coming to power, to be sustained over the next two decades.

- Zero aversion to foreign investment.

- Bring "Direct tax Code" and "Goods and Services Tax" Bills, which will increase aggregate revenue.

- "Jobs Agenda" to ensure 10 crore new jobs.

- Ensure enactment of remaining anti-corruption bills as priority. The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill will give more teeth to state-agencies fighting corruption. The Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Officials of Public International Organizations Bill, 2011 will bring foreign organizations under its ambit. The Public Procurement Bill, 2012 will regulate all public procurements by the Central government.

- Employment for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes.

- Ensure the passage of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Bill, 2013 provide 1,000 annual overseas scholarships and Skill Development Vouchers of Rs. 10,000 to unemployed graduates.

- Establish a Special Commission to identify communities that have not benefited from reservations.

- Committed to reservation in education and employment for economically weaker sections of all communities without affecting existing reservations

- On Pakistan: Encourage the new government's stated position to improve relations with India and calibrate the dialogue consistent with delivery of accountability for 26/11 as well as dismantling terror infrastructure on Pakistan's soil.

- "Democratisation of Information": It will revolutionise service delivery, citizen interface and accountability. "Aapka Paisa Aapka Haath" platform will ensure time bound delivery of benefits and prevent corruption. All Panchayats will be connected with high-speed broadband connectivity and advanced wireless communication systems will be set up for better disaster management.

- Recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission will be implemented in letter and spirit.

- Special monitoring system for timely disposal of all cases involving elections. Introducing transparency in financing of political activities

- The Judicial Appointments Bill and the Judicial Accountability Bill will establish a transparent method of appointing judges.

- Work towards decriminalizing consensual sexual relations between adults of the same-sex.

- Left Wing Extremism will be dealt with a firm hand. We will strengthen our security forces deployed in LWE affected areas by augmenting equipment, infrastructure and manpower, while also pursuing a development agenda to empower locals.

- Establish a "National Commission for Ex-Servicemen" to oversee implementation of welfare schemes meant for families of Ex-Servicemen.

- Will strive to mobilize support for India's permanent membership in the UN Security Council.

- To counter terrorism, focus on intelligence sharing, cutting out financial flows to terrorist outfits, and stopping money laundering.

- Will transform "Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan" to "Shreshth Shiksha Abhiyan," provide state-of-the-art sporting facilities across India and establish a National Sports Education University.

- Youths from J&K, NE and LWE affected areas will receive special attention. A state-run employment exchange will be opened for those seeking employment abroad.

- Top priority will be the Women's Reservation Bill and strict implementation of the Child Labour and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act's.

- "One Stop Crisis Centres" for women will be set up in all hospitals. Ensure all police stations have at least 25 per cent women staffers. Pass a Citizens' Charter for Women's Safety.

- Endeavour to pass the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill. Like the Maulana Azad Educational Fund, a corpus will be created to promote entrepreneurship and skill development of minorities.

- Enhance our focus on providing reservations for minorities in educational institutes and government jobs.

- Provide wholehearted support to farmers and continue to nurture the PPP for greater agricultural productivity and exports. Coverage of crop insurance schemes will be increased.

- Establish a Ministry of Fisheries to help families dependent on fishing. Concessional loans, up to Rs. 5 lakh, will be provided to collectives of small, marginal and women farmers.

- Right to Homestead to all poor families; Indira Awaas Yojana will be expanded to cover all poor rural households. Rajiv Awaas Yojana will be expanded to cover all poor urban households.

- Ensure that title deeds are given to those who have been living on lands for more than two decades.

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