Friday 28 February 2014

बाल संरक्षण: हर स्तर पर योजनाएं

यूनिसेफ की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा बच्चे भारत में हैं. यहां हर साल करीब 2.5 करोड़ बच्चे पैदा होते हैं. एक साल में इतने बच्चे किसी भी एक देश में पैदा नहीं होते. यहां तक कि चीन में भी नहीं. भारत में 37.5 करोड़ बच्चे ऐसे हैं, जो 14 वर्ष से कम उम्र के हैं. भारत में छह साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों की संख्या 15.8 करोड़ है. अब भी करीब तीन करोड़ बच्चे ऐसे हैं, जो स्कूल नहीं जाते. करीब दो करोड़ ऐसे बच्चे हैं, जो किसी-न-किसी रूप में नौकर का काम करते हैं. यहां तक खतरनाक उद्योगों और बच्चों के लिए प्रतिबंधित धंधों में भी इनसे काम लिया जा रहा है. 

बच्चों के अधिकार का एक अहम पक्ष है संरक्षण, पुनर्वास और न्याय. देश भर में ऐसे बच्चों की संख्या बड़ी है, जिन्हें किसी-न-किसी कारण से सरकारी संरक्षण की जरूरत पड़ती है. इनमें किशोरी और बालिकाएं भी शामिल हैं, जो राज्य के अंदर और राज्य के बाहर असुरक्षित हैं. यह जरूरत कई कारणों से पैदा होती है. एक तो गरीबी और सामाजिक कारणों से हर दिन बहुत बच्चे परिवार द्वारा त्याग दिये जाते हैं. ऐसे बच्चों को सही दिशा नहीं मिलती है, तो वे देश, समाज और कानून के लिए बड़ी समस्या तो हो ही जाती हैं, स्वयं को भी जटिल स्थिति में पहुंचा देते हैं. ऐसे बच्चों को सरकार अपने संरक्षण में लेकर उनके विकास और पुनर्वास की दिशा में काम करती है. दूसरा कि किशोर और बच्चे अपने सीमित ज्ञान के कारण कई बार ऐसा काम कर बैठते हैं, तो कानून की नजर में अपराध है. ऐसे बच्चों के खिलाफ कानून के तहत न्यायिक प्रक्रिया शुरू की जाती है और दोषी पाये जाने पर उन्हें सजा भी दी जाती है. उनके लिए अलग से न्यायिक व्यवस्था और कानून है. 

झारखंड की बड़ी समस्या बच्चियों और किशोरियों की तस्करी है, जिन्हें काम दिलाने के नाम पर महानगरों में ले जाकर बेच दिया जाता है. कई बार  बच्चे खुद घर से भाग जाते हैं. कुछ मामलों में परिवार से बिछुड़ जाते हैं. ऐसे बच्चों को जब बरामद किया जाता है, तो उन्हें तत्काल संरक्षण की जरूरत होती है, जहां रख कर उनके माता-पिता का पता लगाया जा सके. हम इस अंक में सरकार की उन्हीं व्यवस्थाओं और योजनाओं की चर्चा कर रहे हैं, जो इन बालक-बालिकाओं व किशोर-किशोरियों को संरक्षण व अधिकार प्रदान करती हैं, ताकि आप इनका लाभ लोगों को दिला सकें और इन योजनाओं के कार्यान्वयन पर नजर रख सकें.

किशोरियों, बालिकाओं एवं दाइयों का ट्रैफिकिंग से बचाव व पुनर्वास केंद्र संचालन योजना

झारखंड की यह बड़ी विडंबना है कि यहां की बालिकाओं और किशोरियों को काम दिलाने के नाम पर महानगरों में ले जाकर बेच दिया जाता है. राज्य में गरीबी और भुखमरी के कारण हर दिन बड़ी संख्या में गरीब बच्चियां और किशोरियां नगरों और महानगरों के लिए पलायन करती हैं. वहां घरेलू नौकरानी के रूप में उन्हें काम दिलाने के नाम पर ले जाने के लिए कुछ गिरोह भी सक्रिय हैं. 

दिल्ली जैसे बड़े शहरों में पहुंच कर ऐसी बालिकाएं एवं किशोरियां अक्सर शोषण और अत्याचार का शिकार होती हैं. काम दिलाने के नाम पर उन्हें बेच दिया जाता है. इसे लेकर झारखंड और देश के दूसरे हिस्सों में लगातार आंदोलन हो रहे हैं. इसे देखते हुए राज्य सरकार ने रांची और दिल्ली में पहले हेल्प लाइन सेवा शुरू की थी. पिछले साल सरकार ने ऐसी लड़कियों को तस्करी से बचाने के लिए दिल्ली और रांची में पुनर्वास केंद्र स्थापित करने की योजना बनायी. इसके लिए 30 लाख रुपये का प्रावधान भी किया गया.

आफ्टर केयर होम का संचालन

सरकार उन किशोरों के पुनर्वास के लिए यह योजना चला रही है, जो किसी अपराध के मामले में 18 साल पूरा होने तक सरकार के संस्थागत संरक्षण में रह जाते हैं. दरअसल यह भी एक प्रकार की कैद ही है, जो ऐसे किशोर को संरक्षण की अवधि तक समाज की गतिविधि में हिस्सा लेने का मौका नहीं देता. ऐसी स्थिति में जब तक सरकार के संरक्षण गृह से बाहर निकलता है, तो उसके सामने कई तरह की चुनौतियां होती हैं. ज्यादातर मामलों में ऐसे किशोर का कोई संरक्षक या अभिभावक नहीं होता है. सरकारी संरक्षण गृह के बाहर उसका कोई आश्रय नहीं होता, जहां वह आगे की जिंदगी की तैयारी कर सके. इसलिए सरकार उन्हें संरक्षण और वैकल्पिक साधन मुहैया कराती है. 

इसका मकसद यह भी है कि संरक्षण गृह से बाहर निकलने के बाद की चुनौतियों को हल करने के लिए वह कोई गलत कदम न उठाये. ऐसे किशोरों को समाज की मुख्यधारा से जोड़ने और उन्हें जीविका का वैकल्पिक साधन मुहैया  कराने के लिए सरकार द्वारा आफ्टर केयर होम का संचालन किया जाना है. यह बिहार में खुद सरकार कर ही है और वहां दो केंद्र इस तरह के चलाये जा रहे हैं. झारखंड में सरकार ने इस कार्य के लिए स्वयं सेवी संस्थाओं को अधिकृत करने का फैसला किया है. पिछले साल इसके लिए 30 लाख रुपये भी उपलब्ध कराये गये.

हेल्प लाइन योजना

हेल्प लाइन योजना वैसे बच्चों, किशोरियों और महिलाओं की सुविधा और कल्याण के लिए चलायी जा रही है, जिन्हें तत्काल सहायता की जरूरत है.समाज कल्याण, महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग की योजना है. इसे गैर सरकारी संस्थाओं (एनजीओ) के माध्यम से संचालित किया जा रहा है. इस पर होने वाला खर्च सरकार वहन करती है. साल में 80-90 लाख रुपये इस मद में उपलब्ध कराये जाते हैं.

उत्तर रक्षा गृह और नारी निकेतन का संचालन

उत्तर रक्षा गृह और नारी निकेतन का संचालन वैसी महिलाओं के लिए किया जाता है, जो समाज और परिवार द्वारा तिरस्कृत, बेसहारा या परित्यक्ता हैं. ऐसी महिलाओं को सुरक्षा और आश्रय देना शासन की जिम्मेवारी होती है. इस जिम्मेवारी को पूरा करने के लिए सभी राज्यों में नारी निकेतन जैसी संस्थागत व्यवस्था है. झारखंड में नारी निकेतन के लिए गुमला जिला को चुना गया. उत्तर रक्षा गृह और नारी निकेतन में ऐसी बेसहारा महिलाओं को तब तक रखा जाता है, जब तक उनका कोई संरक्षक सामने आ कर उसकी जिम्मेवारी नहीं उठा लेता. यहां रहने वाली महिलाओं पर होने वाला खर्च सरकार उठाती है. साथ ही उन्हें स्वरोजगारी और आत्मनिर्भर बनाने के लिए हस्तशिल्प प्रशिक्षण भी दिया जाता है. प्रशिक्षण के बाद नारी निकेतन में रहने के दौरान उनके द्वारा उत्पादित वस्तुओं की बिक्री नारी निकेतन और उत्तर रक्षा गृह का प्रबंधन करता है. इस बिक्री से होने वाली आमदनी का लाभ भी ऐसी महिला को दिया जाता है. 

अल्प अवधि विश्रम गृह का संचालन

सरकार ने वैसी गरीब महिलाओं के लिए अल्प अवधि विश्रम गृह के संचालन की योजना बनायी है, जो ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों और रांची के आसपास के शहरों से छोटे-छोटे कारोबार तथा जीविकोपाजर्न के लिए आती हैं, लेकिन आश्रय नहीं होने के कारण रेलवे स्टेशन जैसे स्थानों पर रात बिताती हैं. समाज कल्याण, महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग के अधीन रांची रेलवे स्टेशन के पास सरकार ने आश्रय गृह बनाने की योजना तैयार की, जिसका कार्यान्वयन स्वयंसेवी संस्था के माध्यम से कराने की योजना है. इस योजना का लाभ वैसी महिलाओं को भी दिया जाना है, जिन्हें कुछ समय के लिए संस्थागत संरक्षण और आश्रय की जरूरत हो. 

संसद और बाल अधिकार

संविधान में बच्चों और महिलाओं के लिए संविधान में की गयी व्यवस्थाओं को लेकर भारतीय संसद ने 1974 में एक राष्ट्रीय नीति को स्वीकार किया. इसमें यह संकल्प लिया गया कि बच्चों की किसी भी प्रकार से उपेक्षा नहीं की जायेगी. इसमें बच्चों की क्रूरता और शोषण से रक्षा तथा 14 साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों के असुरक्षित, जोखिम भरे और भारी काम में नहीं लगाने की घोषणा की गयी.

संविधान में बाल अधिकार

भारतीय संविधान में भी बाल अधिकार को सुनिश्चित करने का प्रावधान है. बच्चों के जन्म, लालन-पालन, शिक्षा, पोषण, विकास, स्वतंत्रता, स्वास्थ्य तथा सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, सांस्कृतिक और आर्थिक अधिकार की वकालत संविधान के विभिन्न अनुच्छेदों में पूरी ताकत से की गयी है.

अनुच्छेद-15 : इसमें महिलाओं एवं बच्चों की सुरक्षा का विशेष प्रावधान है.
अनुच्छेद- 24 : इसमें 14 वर्ष से कम आयु के बच्चों को कारखानों एवं अन्य जोखिम भरे कार्य में लगाने पर प्रतिबंध है.
अनुच्छेद-39 : इसमें किसी व्यक्ति की आर्थिक जरूरत के कारण उससे उसकी क्षमता से अधिक काम कराने की मनाही है. अनुच्छेद-45 : राज्यों को यह निर्देश है कि वह अपने अधिकार क्षेत्र में रहने वाले बच्चों के लिए नि:शुल्क एवं अनिवार्य शिक्षा की व्यवस्था करे.

पंचायती राज व बाल अधिकार

पंचायती राज व्यवस्था में बाल अधिकार को भी सम्मिलित किया गया है. इसमें पंचायती राज संस्थानों को बच्चों की शिक्षा, उनके स्वास्थ्य, विकास और हर तरह के शोषण से उनके बचाव की जिम्मेवारी दी गयी है. बच्चों को अधिकार देने वाले कानूनों के अनुपालन को सुनिश्चित करने में भी पंचायती राज संस्थाओं की  बड़ी भूमिका है.

आरटीआइ का करें इस्तेमाल

बाल अधिकार से जुड़ी योजना, कार्यक्रमों, संगठनों और गतिविधियों या खर्च से जुड़ी जानकारी प्राप्त करना आपका अधिकार है. आपको लगता है कि किसी योजना या कार्यक्रम में कोई गड़बड़ी या मनमानी हो रही है या कोई जानकारी छुपायी जा रही है, तो आप सूचना का अधिकार का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं. जिलों में संचालित संस्थान, इस क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली स्वयं सेवी संस्थाओं, बिहार बाल अधिकार अयोग और समाज कल्याण विभाग इनमें से जहां से जुड़ी सूचना आप प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, वहां के जन सूचना पदाधिकारी से दस रुपये सूचना शुल्क के साथ आवेदन दे सकते हैं. सूचना नहीं मिलने पर जन सूचना पदाधिकारी से वरीय श्रेणी के अधिकारी के समक्ष प्रथम अपील दायर कर सकते हैं.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Kasturba Gandhi

Kasturba Gandhi, known affectionately as Ba, was married to Mohandas Gandhi in 1882 when she was but thirteen years old. When Gandhi left for London in 1888, she did not accompany him: she was already a mother, since Harilal had been born earlier that year. Manilal was born to them in 1892; Ramdas followed in 1897, and Devadas, the last of their four sons, was born in 1900. In 1906, Gandhi decided to observe brahamacharya, or observe the vow of chastity: and thereafter Mohandas and Kasturba never had any sexual relations. Gandhi himself wrote that Kasturba eagerly assented to his decision to take a vow, but we do not have this from her own mouth, and some modern feminist readings have taken this an instance of Gandhi's overbearing attitudes.
It is unequivocally clear, however, that Kasturba worked alongside her husband. When Gandhi became involved in the agitation to improve working conditions for Indians in South Africa and give them the power to represent themselves, Kasturba eventually decided to join the struggle. In September 1913, she was arrested, and sentenced to three months' imprisonment at hard labor. On numerous subsequent occasions in India, she took Gandhi's place when he was under arrest, and was always closely associated with the struggle in India, giving encouragement to women volunteers.
Kasturba was to develop into a very considerable figure in her own right, but sadly she has scarcely received the attention she deserves. She showed an independence of spirit, and Gandhi's autobiography records an incident when he was almost tempted, in a moment of acute anger, to throw her out of the home. He had asked that she should contribute, as did everyone else at their ashram, to menial tasks; and though she agreed, she balked at having to clean the toilets, and flatly refused to do so. There were also disagreements between them on the care of their sons, whom Kasturba (like some others) was inclined to believe had been neglected by their father. Gandhi, on the other hand, took the view that as his sons, they were entitled to no special privileges. Harilal, in particular, caused her great sorrow, and when he once arrived at her bedside during her last illness, she burst into tears.
Mohandas and Kasturba remained married for sixty-two years, but it is one of the marriages about which we know very little, though Gandhi's own life has been recorded in excruciatingly minute detail. We do not really know, for example, how she received the presence of other women who were to become Gandhi's followers and devotees, to the point where they, rather than Kasturba, attended to his daily needs. Yet this very question presumes the centrality of the husband-wife nexus over all others, and this may be a way of approaching questions that have had little resonance in Indian culture. Contemporary witnesses have testified to the extraordinary bonds of affection between them. Following the 'Quit India' movement, Kasturba joined her husband in detention at the Aga Khan's Palace in Poona. It is there that she died in 1944; Gandhi was at her bedside, and a picture taken just after her death shows Gandhi huddled in a corner, a pale shadow of himself.

Friday 21 February 2014

विधिक सेवा भी आरटीआइ के दायरे में

विधिक सहायता भी सूचनाधिकार के दायरे में आती है. विधिक सेवा समितियां अपने किसी भी निर्णय या कार्रवाई के बारे में इस कानून के तहत जनता को  जानकारी देने के लिए बाध्य हैं.  आप इस अधिकार का उपयोग  करें, इसके लिए यह जानना जरूरी है कि समितियां विधिक सहायता के आवेदन पर किस तरह कार्रवाई करती हैं?
कैसे निबटाये जाते हैं आवेदन
कोई व्यक्ति जब विधिक सहायता के लिए आवेदन देता है, तो उस की जांच होती है. यह जांच दो तरह की होती है. पहली जांच में देखा जाता है कि आवेदन-पत्र पूर्ण है या नहीं? उसके साथ शपथ-पत्र लगा हुआ है या नहीं? उसमें किसी तरह की कमी तो नहीं है? यह काम समिति की सहायता में लगाये गये कर्मी करते हैं. दूसरी जांच समिति के अधिकारी करते हैं. इसमें देखा जाता है कि  विधिक सहायता की मांग कितनी उचित है और इसे दिया जाये या नहीं? अगर आवेदन जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकार या समिति को मिला है, तो उसके सचिव और अगर उच्च न्यायालय की विधिक सेवा समिति को मिला है, तो उसके सचिव ऐसे आवेदन पर विचार के लिए तिथि करते हैं. विधिक सहायता देने और सहायता के स्वरूप व मात्र तय करने का अधिकार केवल समिति को है.
अस्वीकृति का कारण बताना जरूरी
अगर कोई आवेदन या विधिक सेवा प्राप्त करने का दावा  इस योग्य नहीं है कि समिति सहायता की स्वीकृति दे, तो उसे यह अधिकार कि वह उसे अस्वीकार कर दे. इसके लिए भी स्पष्ट और पारदर्शी प्रक्रिया तय है. समिति किसी आवेदन को मनमाने  ढंग से स्वीकार या अस्वीकार नहीं कर सकती. उसे अस्वीकार करने का कारण बताना होता है. इसके लिए समिति के पास रजिस्टर होता है. उसमें प्राप्त आवेदन-पत्रों की सूची, उन पर की गयी कार्रवाई, स्वीकृति और  अस्वीकृति जैसी सूचनाएं अंकित की जाती हैं. अगर समिति किसी आवेदन को अस्वीकार करती है, तो उसके कारण का उल्लेख उस रजिस्टर में किया जाता है. किसी भी नागरिक को उस रजिस्टर की फोटो कॉपी प्राप्त करने का अधिकार है.  इसके लिए वह सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम, 2005 की धारा-6 के तहत अर्जी दे  सकता है.
किस साल कितने आवेदन मिले और कितने लोगों को, किस-किस व्यक्ति को और कितनी-कितनी विधिक सहायता दी गयी, इसकी सूचना भी मांगी जा सकती है. उसी तरह कितने आवेदन, किस-किस व्यक्ति के आवेदन और किस-किस आधार पर  अस्वीकार किये गये, यह भी सूचनाधिकार के तहत आप मांग सकते  हैं. किसी खास मामले में भी आवेदन की स्वीकृति, अस्वीकृति और अस्वीकृति के कारणों की जानकारी प्राप्त की जा सकती है. कोई व्यक्ति सूचनाधिकार के तहत इस रजिस्टर को देख भी सकता है. यानी यह पूरी तरह पारदर्शी है और जनता को इससे जुड़ी सूचना मांगने या रजिस्टर देखने का अधिकार है. सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम, 2005 की धारा-6(2) के तहत नागरिक को यह बताने की जरूरी नहीं है कि वह यह सूचना क्यों मांग रहा है. अधिनियम की धारा-7(5) के तहत बीपीएल परिवार ऐसी सूचना नि:शुल्क मांग सकता है.
कितने दिनों में होता है फैसला
यह जानना भी जरूरी है कि विधिक सहायता के  लिए दिये गये आवेदन पर कितने दिनों में समिति निर्णय लेती है? इस मामले में समितियों से पूरी संवेदनशीलता बरतने की अपेक्षा की गयी है. यानी जितनी जल्दी हो सके, उसे इस पर निर्णय लेना है, लेकिन इसमें एक माह से ज्यादा समय नहीं लगे, यह व्यवस्था की गयी है.
कब आवेदन अस्वीकार किये जायेंगे
कुछ ऐसे मामले हैं, जिनमें विधिक सहायता के लिए प्राप्त  आवेदन-पत्र को विधिक सेवा समिति रद्द कर सकती है. इसलिए इस सहायता के लिए आवेदन करते समय इन बातों की सावधानी रखनी चाहिए हैं. 
ये हैं : अगर समिति को ऐसा लगता है कि आवेदक ने जानबूझ कर कोई सूचना छुपायी है या गलत सूचना दी है, तो उसके आवेदन को अस्वीकार कर सकती है. जैसे अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति या अपने मूल निवास की सूचना आदि.
ऐसे  मामले, जिसमें समिति को विश्वास हो जाता है कि आवेदक ने सिविल, आपराधिक, राजस्व या अन्य विषय से जुड़े ऐसे मुकदमे में सहायता मांगी है, जो पहली नजर में कार्रवाई का मामला नहीं बनता है.
सहायता की मांग करने वाला व्यक्ति उस दायरे में नहीं आता है, जिसमें इसके लिए व्यक्ति की योग्यता/पात्रता तय की गयी है.
समिति विधिक सहायता के तहत वैसे वकीलों की सूची तैयार रखती है, जिनकी सेवा सहायता मांगने वाले व्यक्ति को उपलब्ध करायी जाती है. आम तौर पर यह अपेक्षा की जाती है कि सहायता मांगने वाला व्यक्ति उस सूची में से ही वकील का चुनाव अपनी इच्छा और विवेक से करे. अगर कोई पक्षकार ऐसे वकील को चुनता है, जिसकी फीस बहुत अधिक है और वह सूची में शामिल नहीं है या बाहर से किसी बड़े वकील को बुलाना चाहता है, तो ऐसे वकील की फीस समिति नहीं दे सकती है.
क्या है वकीलों की फीस का नियम
समिति वैसे वकीलों की सेवा ही उपलब्ध कराने का पहला प्रयास करती है, जिनका नाम उसकी सूची में शामिल है और किसी मामले में पक्षकार की ओर से कोर्ट में मुकदमे की पैरवी करने के लिए जो तैयार होते हैं. समिति का पहला प्रयास यह होता है कि बिना फीस के वकील की सेवा आवेदक को उपलब्ध करायी जाये. जब यह संभव नहीं होता है, तब वकीलों को फीस देने को वह सहमत होती है. इसके लिए वकीलों की फीस की दर तय है.
दोहरे लाभ की अनुमति नहीं
विधिक सहायता के तहत किसी पक्षकार की मदद करने वाले वकील को इसी शर्त पर भुगतान होता है कि वह इसके लिए और किसी स्नेत से किसी भी रूप में लाभ नहीं लेगा. यानी समिति से जितने रुपये मिलेंगे, उतने में ही उसे अपनी सेवा देनी है. बाद में पक्षकार, उसके रिश्तेदार या उसके किसी परिचित से न तो अलग से पैसे लेगा और न ही कोई उपहार. वकील को इस आशय का प्रमाण-पत्र भी देना होता है. इसका मतलब यह हुआ कि अगर आपने विधिक सहायता के तहत किसी वकील की सेवा ली है, तो उसे समिति से मिले पैसे के अलावा अपनी ओर से कोई राशि नहीं दें.
स्थायी लोक अदालत भी आर्थिक मदद का मार्ग
पिछले अंक में हमने लोक अदालत और स्थायी लोक अदालत की विस्तार से चर्चा की. यहां स्थायी लोक अदालत को लेकर यह जानकारी प्रासंगिक है कि स्थायी लोक अदालत भी वित्तीय मदद का बड़ा साधन है. राज्य के सभी जिलों में स्थायी लोक अदालत का गठन हो चुका है और वहां मुकदमों का निबटारा हो रहा है. जो मुकदमे सुलह से सुलझाये जा सकते हैं, वैसे मुकदमों को लोक अदालत में स्वीकार किया जाता है. किसी कोर्ट में पहले से चल रहे मुकदमे को भी लोक अदालत में ट्रांसफर कराया जा सकता है और किसी नये मुकदमे को सीधा लोक अदालत में दायर किया जा सकता है.
किस तरह के आर्थिक लाभ
स्थायी लोक अदालत आर्थिक रूप से ज्यादा उपयोगी और मददगार हैं. जो लोग (मुकदमे के पक्षकार) विधिक सहायता का लाभ नहीं ले सकते हैं, वे स्थायी लोक अदालत के जरिये आर्थिक लाभ ले सकते हैं. ये लाभ परोक्ष हैं. 
इसमें वकील की फीस का खर्च नहीं होता है.
स्थायी लोक अदालत में मुकदमा ले जाने पर कोर्ट-फीस नहीं लगती.
अगर पहले को कोई मुकदमा चल रहा है और उसमें कोर्ट-फीस दी गयी हो, तो लोक अदालत में मामले के सुलझने पर वह कोर्ट-फीस वापस हो जाती है.
मुकदमे के निष्पादन के लिए ज्यादा तारीख नहीं दी जाती होती. यानी बार-बार अदालत का चक्कर लगाने से होने वाला खर्च यहां बचता है.
मुआवजे और हर्जाने के रूप में जो भी राशि तय होती है, उसका भुगतान आसानी से और तुरंत हो जाता है.
चूंकि लोक अदालत और स्थायी लोक अदालत के फैसले के खिलाफ कहीं अपील नहीं होती. इसलिए आगे भी खर्च की स्थिति पैदा नहीं होती.

Thursday 20 February 2014

A long night with Rajiv Gandhi

I can hardly believe that it is two decades since the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi.
Just a few days before he was killed he was campaigning in Bombay. I was working for a wire service at the time and my Bureau Chief had given me stern instructions: the then union government had withdrawn his security cover and Rajiv was a sitting duck for assassins. “Even if a hair on his head is touched, I want us to be the first on the wires. You will not lose sight of him for even a second.”
It was the era before mobile phones and then Election Commissioner TN Seshan had not yet formulated his stern measures to discipline election expenditure. There was no 10 pm deadline on campaigning. I knew it would be a long night.
Rajiv landed at the Bombay airport four hours past his scheduled arrival at 5pm. Then he held an impromptu press conference in the airport lounge. Most reporters were satisfied with that and disappeared for the night. I had no choice but to stay on.
Rajiv was holding corner meetings that night. He started from the north end of the city at Mulund at 10pm and ended in the morning at 5am at Nagpada. I dashed to a restaurant that was just closing at 11pm to file my first report on the phone. The second, I told the desk, would come only in the morning because I could not now wake up people in their homes to make phones calls to office.
I recall there was a correspondent from the Hindi media with me at midnight. But even he disappeared soon after. I did not know how I would track Rajiv as even the cabs began to go off the streets. So I inveigled myself into his cavalcade – they put me in the second or third last car, as far as I recall. Which simply meant that Rajiv was already on the dais and into his speech as my car came to a halt at each venue. And by the time I sprinted to the maidan where he was holding his meeting he was already winding down and racing towards the next corner meeting.
It was 2 am, I recall, and I told the driver of my car to break the line and race towards Kurla where Rajiv was supposed to hold his next meeting. “I want to be near the dais before Rajiv arrives and this is the only way we can do it.”
Rajiv should have been there within five minutes but a half hour had passed and still there was no sign of the long entourage. Now I was in real panic, sure that either someone had taken a potshot at him or that the racing cars might have been in an accident. In desperation, I started walking the highway in the direction of his previous meeting when the driver shouted out to me that he had seen a series of car lights coming from the opposite direction. Within seconds they were in sight and Rajiv’s car swished past me (he had decided to break the schedule and go to his next meeting first).
Why the Nehru-Gandhis are exceptional compared to most of our other political leaders came home to me after what followed next. Rajiv had seen me standing at the edge of the road and looked back to mouth a ‘Oh, my God!’ at me. He jumped out of his car and, instead of heading towards the meeting, made straight for me. “What are you doing in the middle of the road at this hour of the night?” he asked.
“Waiting for you,” I replied. “I am an agency reporter and I have to stay with you all through the campaign. I can’t go home.”
He smiled and gave me a piercing look. “Have you had something to eat, though?” he asked. I shook my head.
He then turned to then Bombay Congress president Murli Deora and said, “Make sure she gets something to eat. A sandwich, perhaps. Or she will collapse by the time I am done.” Then he turned and headed towards his meeting.
Deora, now, was in a tizzy. “Where will I get something for you to eat at this hour of the night? Why have you put me in this situation?” he asked in agitation.
“What situation? Its okay. I am not hungry.”
“No, its not ok!” Deora snapped. “Rajiv will check again if you have eaten. What will I tell him?”
He looked at his car and then brightened. “Nariyal paani peeyegi? I have some coconuts in my car. Malai waale. May be that will do.”
Then as I took hold of a coconut that his driver handed out to me, Deora added, “Lekin Rajiv ne poocha to kehna ki maine tujhe sandwich khilaya (If Rajiv asks tell him I gave you a sandwich). Otherwise he will kill me!”
I thought Deora was rather over-reacting but, right on cue, the former PM came across to me to ask, “Did he put some food in your stomach?” As Deora looked on with hugely anxious eyes, I simply nodded – there was no need to lie nor tell him the truth.
I came up against another instance of Rajiv’s chivalry the same night. At his Tardeo meeting, I remember getting caught up in the crowds and afraid that I would not make it to my car on time. So I began to loudly plead with the people to make way. “I am a reporter. I need to get ahead of you. Please let me proceed.”
No one would listen. But then suddenly Rajiv Gandhi, who was a few yards ahead, did an about turn. Automatically a pathway opened up between him and those behind. He spotted me and said, “Come.” As I raced ahead, he said, “Stay close and always walk a step ahead of me. Otherwise you will be crushed by the crowds at the back and get left behind.”
“What happened to you?” I asked. He had a torn kurta sleeve and a scratch on his arm. He just smiled and said nothing. “No, really, how did that happen?” I persisted. “It’s nothing,” he said. “It just tore as people tried to get close.” I thought he sounded rather happy about that.
The rest of that campaign went off in a less eventful fashion for me. But that was my best election campaign reportage ever. Nothing in later years – not even Sonia Gandhi’s road shows — ever came even close to the sheer throbbing life and colour of that night-long campaign by Rajiv Gandhi.
As I had remained the only reporter on his campaign trail till the end, I could not stop boasting to my colleagues about how the former Prime Minister had looked out for a rookie, nameless and rather faceless reporter who could bring him no returns other than a straightforward reporting of his night-long campaign in Bombay.
Thirteen days later, he was assassinated in Sriperumbudur. One colleague then asked me, “What would you have done if this had happened in Bombay? You were keeping so close to him. Wouldn’t you have died, too?”
The thought had never even occurred to me. But then Maharashtra was headed at the time by Sharad Pawar. A day after Rajiv’s assassination Pawar said, “This is what I was afraid of. That is why I had plainclothes men planted all round him when he came to Bombay and I told them I would fry them if even one shot was fired at Rajiv Gandhi. All that I wanted was for him to exit Maharashtra without a scratch on him.”
Well, he did get some scratches. But none of the kind that would take his life. That lack of vigilance was left to Tamil Nadu and its then government. And those guys, today, are partners in the UPA government.

Please use #Justice4Rajiv in your Tweets on Twitter and Raise Your Voice.

Monday 17 February 2014

महिलाओं के लिए खास कानून

इस अंक में हम महिलाओं के अधिकार, उनके मान-सम्मान और सुरक्षा को लेकर देश के प्रमुख कानूनों की चर्चा कर रहे हैं. हम वैसी घटनाओं और हरकतों को लेकर कानून के प्रावधानों की चर्चा कर रहे हैं, जिन्हें आमतौर पर महिलाएं चुपचाप सहन कर लेती हैं, जबकि इनसे निबटने के लिए कानून और सहायता उपलब्ध हैं. महिलाएं चाहें, तो उनकी मदद ले सकती हैं और शारीरिक, मानसिक, भावनात्मक और आर्थिक उत्पीड़न से खुद को बचा सकती हैं. छेड़छाड़, मेले-ठेले में पुरुषों द्वारा जानबूझ कर की जाने वाली धक्का-मुक्की, ईल टिप्पणी और इशारे महिलाओं को आतंकित करने वाली घटनाएं हैं. ऐसी घटनाओं के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्रवाई संभव है. उसी तरह ससुराल में घर के अंदर किये जाने वाले अमानवीय व्यवहार को रोकने की भी कानूनी व्यवस्था है. दहेज उत्पीड़न को लेकर तो कानून और अदालत बेहद संवेदनशील है. इन सब का लाभ लिया जाना चाहिए. विवाह का निबंधन भी जरूरी है. यह पुरुष और महिला दोनों के हित में हैं. हम इन सब की चर्चा कर रहे हैं.
       आरके नीरद
अनिवार्य विवाह निबंधन
विवाह जीवन और समाज की एक सामान्य और जरूरी संस्कार है. सदियों से चली आ रही इस रस्म को पूरा करने में आम तौर पर किसी कानून को बीच में नहीं लाया जाता, लेकिन इसके लिए भी कानून है, जो विवाह को अपनी (कानूनी) मान्यता देता है. इसमें विवाह के पंजीयन का प्रावधान है. भारत में विवाह आमतौर पर हिंदू विवाह अधिनियम 1955 या विशेष विवाह अधिनियम 1954 में से किसी एक अधिनियम के तहत पंजीकृत किया जा सकता है, लेकिन कोई भी कानून बाल विवाह या कम उम्र में विवाह को मान्यता नहीं देता.
विवाह को कानूनी मान्यता : कानूनी तौर पर विवाह के लिए पुरुष की न्यूनतम आयु 21 वर्ष और महिला की न्यूनतम आयु 18 वर्ष होनी चाहिए. हिंदू विवाह के दोनों पक्षों (वर और वधु) को अविवाहित या तलाकशुदा होने चाहिए. यदि विवाह पहले हो गया है, तो उस शादी की पहली पत्नी या पति जीवित नहीं होने चाहिए. यानी एक पति या एक पत्नी के जीवित रहते तभी दूसरी शादी को कानून मान्यता देता है जिसमें पहली शादी को लेकर तलाक हो चुका हो. इसके अतिरिक्त दोनों पक्षों को शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ होने चाहिए. विशेष विवाह अधिनियम विवाह अधिकारी द्वारा विवाह संपन्न करने तथा पंजीकरण करने की व्यवस्था करता है.
विवाह प्रमाण-पत्र क्या है
जब किसी विवाह का पंजीयन यानी रजिस्ट्रेशन होता है, तो पंजीकरण का प्रमाण-पत्र दिया जाता है. इसका लाभ यह है कि दोनों पक्षों के विवाह बंधन में बंधने का कानूनी सबूत तैयार होता है. दूसरा कि पासपोर्ट बनवाने, अपना धर्म, गोत्र आदि बदलने के मामले में यह जरूरी दस्तावेज होता है.
दहेज उत्पीड़नयह सर्वविदित है कि दहेज एक सामाजिक अभिशाप और कानूनी अपराध है. यह महिला प्रताड़ना और उत्पीड़न का बड़ा कारण है. भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 304(बी) तथा दहेज प्रतिषेध अधिनियम 1961 के तहत दहेज लेना और देना दोनों अपराध है. ऐसे अपराध की सजा कम-से-कम पांच वर्ष कैद या कम-से-कम पंद्रह हजार रुपये जुर्माना है. दहेज की मांग करने पर छह माह की कैद की सजा और दस हजार रुपये तक का जुर्माना किया जाता है. साथ ही, दहेज के नाम पर किसी भी प्रकार के मानसिक, शारीरिक, मौखिक तथा आर्थिक उत्पीड़न को अपराध के दायरे में रखा गया है.
दहेज हत्या से जुड़े कानूनी प्रावधान
दहेज हत्या को लेकर भारतीय दंड संहिता यानी आइपीसी में स्पष्ट प्रावधान है. इसके लिए संहिता की धारा 304(बी), 302, 306 एवं 498-ए है.
भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 304(बी)
भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 304(बी) दहेज हत्या के मामलों में सजा के लिए लागू की जाती है. दहेज हत्या का अर्थ है औरत की जलने या किसी शारीरिक चोट के कारण हुई मौत या शादी के सात साल के अंदर किन्हीं संदेहास्पद कारण से हुई उसकी मृत्यु. दहेज हत्या की सजा सात साल कैद है. इस जुर्म के अभियुक्त को जमानत नहीं मिलती है.
भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 302
संहिता की धारा 302 में दहेज हत्या के मामले में सजा का प्रावधान है. इसके तहत किसी औरत की दहेज हत्या के अभियुक्त का अदालत में अपराध सिद्ध होने  पर उसे उम्र कैद या फांसी हो सकती है.
भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 306
अगर ससुराल वाले किसी औरत को दहेज के लिए मानसिक या भावनात्मक रूप से हिंसा का शिकार बनाते हैं और  इस कारण वह आत्महत्या कर लेती है, तो वहां भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 306 के तहत उसे सजा मिलती है. इसके तहत दोष साबित होने पर अभियुक्त को महिला द्वारा आत्महत्या के लिए मजबूर करने के अपराध के लिए जुर्माना और 10 साल तक की सजा सुनायी जा सकती है.
भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 498-ए
पति या रिश्तेदारों द्वारा दहेज के लालच में महिला के साथ क्रूरता और हिंसा का व्यवहार करने पर संहिता की धारा-498ए के तहत कठोर दंड का प्रावधान है. यहां क्रूरता के मायने हैं- औरत को आत्महत्या के लिए मजबूर करना, उसकी जिंदगी के लिए खतरा पैदा करना व दहेज के लिए सताना व हिंसा.
विवाह प्रमाण-पत्र कैसे प्राप्त करें
हिंदू विवाह अधिनियम 1955 के तहत विवाह के लिए पक्षों (वर और वधु) को, अपने क्षेत्र के विवाह पंजीयक यानी मैरेज रजिस्ट्रार के पास आवेदन देना होता है. यह पंजीयक उस क्षेत्र का हो सकता है, जहां विवाह संस्कार संपन्न हो रहा है या फिर जिस पंजीयक के अधिकार क्षेत्र में दोनों में से कोई पक्ष विवाह में ठीक पहले लगातार छह माह तक रह रहा हो. दोनों पक्षों को पंजीयक के पास विवाह के एक माह के भीतर अपने माता-पिता या अभिभावकों या अन्य गवाहों के साथ उपस्थित होना होता है. अगर कोई शादी संपन्न हो चुकी है और उस समय उसका पंजीयन नहीं कराया  गया, तो वैसे विवाह के पंजीयन के लिए वैसे दंपति को पांच वर्ष तक माफी की पंजीयक और उसके बाद जिला रजिस्ट्रार द्वारा दी जाती है.
विशेष विवाह
विशेष विवाह अधिनियम के तहत पंजीयन के लिए यह जरूरी है कि पंजीयक को विवाह के पंजीयन का आवेदन देने के कम-से-कम 30 दिनों तक कम-से-कम एक पक्ष को उसके क्षेत्रधिकार में रहा होना चाहिए. यदि कोई एक पक्ष दूसरे विवाह अधिकारी के क्षेत्र में रह रहा है, तो नोटिस की प्रति उसके पास भेज दी जाती है. किसी प्रकार की आपत्ति नहीं प्राप्त होने पर सूचना प्रकाशित होने के एक माह के बाद विवाह संपन्न किया जा सकता है. यदि कोई आपत्ति प्राप्त होती है, तो विवाह अधिकारी इसकी जांच करता है. विवाह संपन्न होने के बाद पंजीकरण (रजिस्ट्रेशन) किया जाता है. अगर पहले से शादी हो चुकी है, तो वैसे मामले में 30 दिनों की सार्वजनिक सूचना देने के बाद विशेष विवाह अधिनियम 1954 के अधीन विवाह का पंजीकरण किया जाता है.

Friday 14 February 2014

What The Aap Government Achieved In 49 Days

The Curtains Came Down On Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party (Aap) Government In Delhi On Friday After It Failed To Table The Jan Lokpal Bill In The Assembly, Ending 49 Days Of Rule. The Following Are The Achievements Of The Short-Lived Government:
- Free Supply Of 667 Litres Of Water Daily For Households With Metered Connections.
- Fifty Per Cent Subsidy In Electricity Bills For Households Which Consume Up To 400 Units Of Power A Month.
- No Red Or Blue Beacons On Official Cars, Bringing An End To 'Vip Culture'
- All Government Schools Surveyed For Infrastructure Deficiency And Given Rs.1 Lakh Each For Immediate Repairs.
- Some 24,000 People Exempted From Paying 50 Percent Of Their Power Bills During The Period They Took Part In An Aap Campaign Against Inflated Electricity Bills.
- Launched Anti-Corruption And Nursery Admission Helplines.
- New Permits Given To 5,500 Autos.
- Registered First Information Reports (Fir) Against Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit In Irregularities In The Preparations For The 2010 Commonwealth Games And Petroleum Minister Veerappa Moily, Former Minister Murli Deora And Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani For Allegedly Colluding To Inflate Natural Gas Prices And Raising Power Bills.
- Ordered Audit Of Delhi's Three Power Distribution Companies.
Finally, It Was The Opposition Not Allowing The Tabling Of The Jan Lokpal Bill, One Of The Aap's Major Poll Promises, In The Delhi Assembly On Friday That Led To Kejriwal Quitting The Position He Had Assumed On December 28, 2013.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Railway Budget 2014: Full Text

1. Madam Speaker, I rise to present before this august House the Revised Estimates for 2013-14 and the Estimated Receipts and Expenditure for 2014-15.

2. The Estimates for 2014-15 are for the whole year, but, at present I seek from the august House a ‘vote-on-account’, sufficient to cover the estimated expenditure for the first four months of the fiscal. The Hon’ble Members are aware that requirements for the remaining part of the year would be voted later, separately.

3. This is my maiden Budget under the inspiring guidance of the Hon’ble Prime Minister and Chairperson UPA, to whom I am grateful for the responsibility entrusted to me. I also wish to profusely thank the Finance Minister for his continued support and encouragement to the Railways, underlined further by his recent gesture of providing additional budgetary support for meeting pressing requirements of a few national projects during the current fiscal.

4. Madam Speaker, the name of Indian Railways evokes fond childhood memories amongst all of us who have grown with this beautiful system. Railways influence all aspects of our lives and untiringly carry people and materials to every nook and corner of the country. Its role in national integration by providing low cost connectivity from Kashmir to Kanyakumari on one hand and Arunachal, Mizoram and Tripura to Gujarat on the other, is unparalleled.

5. As an organization, Railwaymen take pride in serving the nation, braving snow, torrential rains, floods and desert storms on the one hand and misdirected public or terrorist wrath on the other. Madam, I have hardly spent eight months with Railways but I confess that I have an inner feeling of a lifelong association. It is my firm view that this pan Indian organization needs careful nurturing to help it better serve the people and play its role in building the nation. 

6. During my short stewardship of the Indian Railways, I have been flooded with requests for new projects of New Lines, Gauge Conversion, Doubling and new Factories, new trains, and suggestions for improving the services of the system. While Railways continue to deliver services ungrudgingly in spite of constraints of resources, both physical and financial, it is high time that we take a serious note of its urgent investment and other needs. Railways are a strong engine of development and help mainstreaming our citizens in less developed areas of the country. Therefore, it is critical for the Railways itself to be restored to a more central place in the national planning. 

7. As the UPA II Government completes its five years journey in May this year, it is time to take stock of Indian Railways’ achievements and also lay the road map for the organization. I would like to share some of the key recent initiatives, which have led to build up of confidence of our countrymen and instilled a sense of pride amongst a committed railway workforce of about 14 lakh persons: i. National Project of Kashmir witnessed a major landmark last June, when 11.2 km long tunnel linking Banihal with Qazigund in the valley became operational. The tunnel, which is an engineering marvel, has reduced the distance from 35 km to 17.5 km., provides an all-season means of transport for the local population and is proving a boon for the inhabitants.

Also, construction on Udhampur – Katra section, which will enable lakhs of pilgrims from all over the country to reach foothills to Vaishno Devi shrine directly, has been completed and trial runs have started. We expect to run passenger services up to Katra very shortly; ii. During the XI Plan period, the targets for newlines, doubling and electrification were exceeded. Railways completed 2,207 km of newlines against target of 2,000 km, doubling of 2,758 km against 2,500 km and electrification of 4,556 km against a target of 4,500 km.

During the 12th Five Year Plan period, Indian Railways infrastructure will further expand to reach the hinterland and frontiers of our nation; iii. Similarly, rolling stock acquisition also surpassed the targets and 64,875 wagons were acquired against target of 62,000, a total of 1,288 diesel locos were produced against 1,019, and 1,218 electric locos against a target of 1,205; iv. Initiatives taken for construction of two dedicated freight corridors on the eastern and western routes would lead to strategically critical capacity augmentation, and would involve construction of dedicated freight lines to carry predominantly coal and steel on the Eastern Corridor and containers on the Western Corridor. Dedicated Freight Corridor is an innovation in rail transport in India and will reduce the transit time to about half of the present levels. The capacity released by freight trains could then be used for running more passenger trains at higher speed in a need based manner.

This initiative would also offer significant reduction of Green House Gas emissions in transport sector of India; 

v. Railways successfully met the heavy impact of 6th Pay Commission in full during the period. Total additional payout including arrears from 1st January 2006 has been more than Rs one lakh crore till now. Significantly, unlike other segments of the Government, Railways met the additional expenditure within its own means, from its own earnings. The huge requirement did cause some hardships, but the organisation successfully overcame them and emerged stronger.

Significantly, but for the additional financial burden caused by the Pay Commission, the resource position of Railways would have been correspondingly that much healthier; vi. Extension of rail connectivity to the northeastern states has been a focus area of our government to bring prosperity to these areas and also strengthen the national integration. I am happy to inform the august House that as a result of additional financial support provided to Railways at the instance of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, we are now on course to convert the strategically important 510 Km long Rangiya - Murkongselek Metre Gauge line into Broad Gauge within this financial year. vii. The Capital of Arunanchal Pradesh would soon be on rail map in this financial year, as Harmuti-Naharlagun newline is expected to be commissioned shortly. The state of Meghalaya is also all set to come on the Railway map in this financial year, as Dudhnoi – Mehendipathar newline is getting completed by March 2014; viii. Expansion of Railway Network: During the year we completed 1,532 km of New Line, Doubling and Gauge Conversion against a revised target of 1,525 km. Sections commissioned in 2013-14 include: New Lines 

a. Karur – Salem (85 Km) b. Koderma – Nawadih (34 Km) 3 

c. Lalitpur – Tikamgarh (51.5 Km) d. New Morinda to Sanewal (54 Km) thereby complete commissioning of Chandigarh – Ludhiana e. Qazigund – Banihal (19 Km) f. Kadur – Chikmaglur (46 Km) Gauge Conversion: 

a. Hanumangarh – Sriganganagar (64Km) b. Manamadurai – Virudunagar (67 Km) c. Darum Madhepura – Murliganj (22 Km) d. Kolar – Chickballapur (85 Km) e. Rangiya – Rangapara North – Dekargaon (145 Km) Doubling: 

a. Panskura – Shyamchak (27 km) 3rd Line b. Muri – Tulin (1.5 km) Doubling 2nd Bridge over River Subernarekha c. Jirat – Ambika Kalna (20.23 km) d. Magrahat – Diamond Harbour (15 km) e. Kursela-Karagola (17 km) f. Katereah-Kosi cabin (4km) g. Madur – Mandya (19 km) h. Birur – Ajjampur (18km) ix. Three new factories viz. Rail Wheel Plant in district Chhapra, Rail Coach Factory at Rae Bareli and Diesel Component Factory at Dankuni have become functional and commenced production; x. Specially designed coaches for adverse weather conditions have been inducted for rail travel in Kashmir Valley.

Also corrosion resistant and lighter wagons with capability to carry extra pay-load and higher speed potential up to 100 kmph have been developed; and xi. Railways have been promoting sports since 1928. In the year 2012-13, we recruited about 500 sports persons. I take pride in stating that Railways’ sportspersons have a dominating presence in the national teams in various disciplines and won titles in 23 disciplines and were runners up in 9 disciplines in various national events. Our sportspersons have also represented the country in various International Championships and won a total of 2 Gold, 4 Silver and 3 Bronze Medals. 

8. Madam, Indian Railways had formulated Policy Unigauge in the year 1992 to convert selected Metre/Narrow Gauge routes to Broad Gauge to avoid transhipment, improve rolling stock utilisation, achieve higher throughput and to foster development in various parts of the country. I am happy to report that a total of 19,214 km of non-Broad Gauge lines have been converted to Broad Gauge. People in several States including Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Tamil Nadu have been the major beneficiaries. 

9. Madam, this august House has in the past expressed deep concern over some unfortunate accidents and I painfully acknowledge my anguish and grief at the loss of lives. However, I must assure the House that safety is never compromised on the system and several measures have been and are being taken for its further strengthening. Some of these are :

i. Manning or elimination of all unmanned level crossings and provision of ROBs/RUBs in lieu of manned level crossings with heavy traffic density in a time bound manner is a commitment of Railways. Towards this end, a total of 5,400 unmanned level crossings were eliminated – 2,310 by manning and 3,090 by closure / merger / construction of ROBs/RUBs during the last five years;

ii. Planning for induction of indigenously developed Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) over Indian Railways after successfully completing field trials;

iii. Provision of improved safety systems with audio visual warning to road users in advance of approaching trains;

iv. Development of ‘crashworthy’ structural design capable of absorbing high impact loads in unfortunate case of collision/accidents;

v. Offering employment to over 1 lakh persons against existing vacancies in Group C categories in the last five years, and to 1.6 lakh persons in erstwhile Group D categories; vi. Provision of Vigilance Control Device (VCD) in all electric and diesel locomotives to monitor and judge the alertness of driver to ensure safety of the train; vii. A few unfortunate accidents involving fire in trains have occurred in the recent past, leading to loss of precious lives. Even though some of these incidents were caused due to inadvertent acts of negligence on the part of passengers, Railways have initiated action to ensure that such incidents are averted at all costs and loss of lives eliminated. A Comprehensive Fire and Smoke Detection System is on trial on two rakes of Rajdhani Express trains. Based on the success of these trials, this will be extended to all major passenger trains; and 

viii. Besides, various measures undertaken to prevent fire incidents on trains are as under:

a. Use of fire retardant materials inside coaching vehicles;

b. Multi-tier protection for electric circuits;

c. Provision of portable fire extinguishers in AC coaches, Guard-cum-luggage break vans, pantry cars and locomotives;

d. Introduction of electrical induction based cooking appliances in replacement of LPG in pantries and e. Intensive checks on parcel vans and Guard-cum-luggage break vans against explosives and inflammable materials. Financial Health 

10. Madam, I firmly believe that Indian Railways is primarily a commercial organization and it must operate in a financially self sustaining manner. Major segments of its business - freight as well as passenger - should be market driven, address needs of users, provide value for money and avoid tendencies to exploit its dominant presence in the transport sector.

11. Inadequacy of financial resources is a key constraint to Railways following the desired path. Aspirations of the people channelized through their elected representatives for extending the rail network to their regions are all valid and need to be respected. In fact, Railways have happily acknowledged and accepted many of these. Despite limited availability of funding, Railways have been able to implement and complete many projects of new lines, doubling, gauge conversion, metropolitan transport, road over/under bridges in addition to construction of workshops, improvement of user services and electrification.

12. I wish to place on record my appreciation of the initiative of the State Governments of Karnataka, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Haryana for agreeing to share cost of several Rail projects in their respective areas, and appeal to other State Governments to follow suit. This will go a long way in catalysing creation of Rail infrastructure for overall national growth. 6

13. While efforts of the government to provide precious financial resources for growth of Indian Railways would undoubtedly continue, the phenomenal investment needs of rail infrastructure cannot be met entirely through Gross Budgetary Support, Internal Generation of Railways and Market Borrowing. Railways have therefore started targeting private investment in rail infrastructure to bridge the gap. Public Private Partnership (PPP) 

14. Investment in Railways is being stepped up by partnership with the private sector. PPP projects related to rolling stock manufacturing units, modernisation of railway stations, multi-functional complexes, logistics parks, private freight terminal, freight train operations, liberalised wagon investment schemes, and Dedicated Freight Corridors are in the pipeline and offer excellent opportunities for private investment in the 12th Plan.

15. Apart from attracting private investments from domestic investors in rail sector, a proposal is under consideration of the Government to enable Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to foster creation of world class rail infrastructure. 

16. Rail Land Development Authority was set a challenging target of raising Rs 1,000 crore in the Budget 2013-14. I am happy to report that they are on course and have already raised Rs 937 crore so far. Modernisation and Technology Induction 

17. Within available resources, Indian Railways have always endeavoured to usher in new technology for modernisation and enhanced delivery to rail users. Dedicated Freight Corridors for exclusive running of heavy haul freight trains, High Speed Trains Project, and Semi-High Speed project are recent initiatives taken in this direction. Dedicated Freight Corridor Project 

18. Implementation of the Eastern and Western Dedicated Freight Corridors project is making good progress with the award of nearly 1,100 km of civil construction contracts till now. During 2014-15, another 1,000 km of civil construction contracts are targeted, besides award of Systems contracts. High Speed Trains Project 

19. As agreed between Honourable Prime Ministers of India and Japan in May 2013, a joint Feasibility Study for Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed corridor, co-financed by Indian Railways and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), has started in December 2013, and will be completed in 18 months.

For the same corridor, a Business Development study being undertaken by French Railways (SNCF) will be completed by April 2014. After the studies, Indian Railways will decide on further course of action and modalities for implementation of the project. 

Semi-High Speed Project 

20. Besides the High Speed project, Indian Railways also intend to explore low cost options for raising speeds to 160-200 kmph on existing select routes like Delhi-Agra and Delhi-Chandigarh. Green Initiatives 

21. Madam Speaker, the role of Indian Railways in preserving the environment has been widely acknowledged. Besides energy efficiency of rail transport, initiatives to promote use of renewable and clean energy have been part of our approach. Railway Energy Management Company has become functional and is working on setting up of windmill plants, solar power plants, with about 40% subsidy from Ministry of New & Renewable Energy. To begin with, 200 railway stations, roof top of 26 buildings and 2,000 level crossing gates would be covered. 22. I take great pride in informing the august House that as an eloquent testimony to our energy conservation efforts, Railways bagged

22 out of 112 awards being given away by the Government in 2013.

23. With a view to improving aesthetic ambience along the track close to the approach of major stations, creation of ‘Green Curtains’ at Agra and Jaipur stations is being undertaken on pilot basis. This will involve construction of RCC boundary wall of appropriate height along the railway boundary up to a suitable distance, landscaping from the track to the wall and within station circulating area, and arrangements for appropriate watch and ward to check open defecation and littering. Once the pilot projects succeed, we intend to invite corporate entities to participate in this programme at other stations through their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, besides obtaining support of municipalities and local bodies.

24. Marking a major development towards cleanliness in the coaches and on railway tracks, a bio-toilet design has been adopted by the railways and the technology has been introduced in about 2,500 coaches. It is proposed to increase the coverage progressively. 8 

Passenger Friendly Initiatives 

25. Indian Railways has always strived to improve its customer related services and the continued drive has resulted in their gradual improvement. The success of e-booking of tickets has surpassed all expectations and provided a convenient means to our customers to interface with the Railways from the comfort of their homes and offices.

Train movements can also be tracked online to find the exact location and running. Besides, 51 Jan-Ahaar outlets for sale of Janta Meals have been set up; 48 passenger escalators have been commissioned at railway stations and 61 more are being installed; air-conditioned EMU services will commence in Mumbai area by July 2014; and Passenger Information Display System in important trains to indicate the next station and expected arrival time is being provided. 
26. The scheme for upgradation of passengers introduced in the year 2006 is proposed to be extended to second class sitting, AC Chair car and Executive chair car passengers. This will facilitate utilisation of vacant accommodation in the higher classes and optimise demand satisfaction in the lower classes. Demand Management through Dynamic Pricing 

27. There are seasonal and occasion-specific instances when the demand for travel by certain trains goes up and the level of demand satisfaction becomes low. Passengers are prepared on such occasions to pay more to undertake their journey. Keeping this in view, a Premium Air-Conditioned Special was introduced on the busy Delhi – Mumbai sector with shorter Advance Reservation Period in December 2013 – January 2014. The fare charged included a dynamically varying premium over tatkal fare of the Rajdhani services. Such dynamic pricing was widely appreciated by the users and the media and gave increased earnings of about 48% as compared to Rajdhani services on the same sector. We are considering operation of this scheme on larger scale. Enhancing Market Share 

28. Railways propose to lay further emphasis on improving its market share through a mix of strategies. These would involve inter alia improved use of assets, including wagon turn round by ensuring improved operation and maintenance practices to enhance asset availability, intensive monitoring and improvement in the condition of freight terminals through result oriented investments, and laying emphasis on completion of various on-going line capacity works on critical sections. 9 

29. In addition to the above measures, Indian Railways is also further enhancing throughput by clearing missing links in ‘CC+8’ (Carrying Capacity+8 tonne) routes, increasing freight train speed by upgrading the rolling stock as well increasing the length of trains, besides introducing a tariff and incentives regime that encourages shift of traffic to rail and minimizes empty running. All these measures will ensure that the unit cost of operation is brought down further. Rail Tariff Authority 

30. Madam, In a path breaking decision, an independent Rail Tariff Authority is being set-up to advise the Government on fixing of fares and freight. Determination of rates will no longer be an exercise behind veils where the Railways and the users could only peep covertly at what was happening on the other side. 

31. The Rail Tariff Authority will not only consider the requirements of the Railways but also engage with all stake-holders to usher in a new pricing regime through a transparent process. This would lead to an era of rationalisation of fares and freight structures for improving the fare–freight ratio and gradually bringing down cross subsidization between different segments. It is expected that this would go a long way towards improving the financial health of the Railways, lead to growth to match expectations of the nation and provide stability by minimizing volatility of revenue streams. Information Technology 

32. Madam, Information Technology has revolutionized our customer interface over the last few years. We intend to continue the process. Some of the initiatives that would be taken are -proliferation of cash accepting Automatic Ticket Vending Machines; Ticketing on mobile phones in the unreserved segment; PNR status update to passengers through system generated SMS; an update for train running information; Online booking of retiring rooms at all important stations; Online booking of meals on trains for selected en-route stations; Introduction of e-forwarding note and electronic transmission of railway receipts for freight customers, which will enable users to carry out freight business with Railways from the comfort of their homes and offices; and Computerisation of claims settlement process on Indian Railways. 

Revenue Freight Traffic 

33. A target of loading 1,047 million tonnes during 2013-14 was set for Indian Railways. I am happy to inform the House that we would surpass the Budget estimate.

34. In order to increase the share of rail borne traffic, an innovative “Empty Flow Discount Scheme” is being formulated and will be implemented shortly. For further increasing throughput on the existing network, carrying additional traffic and bolstering freight earnings, universalisation of all routes on Indian Railways as ‘CC+9+1’ (Carrying Capacity+9 tonne+1 tonne) is being planned.

35. Container traffic has witnessed rapid growth in the last few years. For facilitating seamless transport of imported cargo, some of the restrictions on movement of imported commodities through containers have been eased. Further, to increase throughput of container traffic, the permissible carrying capacity of 20 feet containers has been enhanced by 4 tonnes by necessary upgrade of rolling stock. 

36. There is a vast potential to be tapped in the area of parcel traffic. An aggressive strategy has been evolved for attracting more such traffic to rail. Parcel trains will be run from nominated parcel terminals which have been already notified for achieving the above, and Special Parcel Trains will be run on scheduled timings, so that time-sensitive cargo can be attracted. A new policy on parcels will be formulated which shall also encourage transportation of milk across the country. A new concept of hub and spoke for parcel business will be introduced. Third party warehousing in Special Parcel Terminals is also envisaged. Financial Performance, 2012-13 

37. Madam Speaker, I would now like to present in brief the final results for the previous fiscal, 2012-13. I am happy to report that the freight loading by the Railways at 1,008 million tonnes surpassed the revised target of 1,007 million tonnes. Railways paid full dividend of Rs 5,389 crore to the General Exchequer. The Operating Ratio finally achieved was 90.2%, an improvement over 94.9% in 2011-12. The Fund balances, which were at negative Rs 385 crore at the beginning of the year, finally closed at a positive Rs 2,391 crore even after full repayment, including interest, of the loan of Rs 3,000 crore taken in the previous year. 11 

Financial Performance, 2013-14 

38. Given the promising trend of loading, the target has been scaled up to about 1052 million tonnes from the budget target of 1047 million tonnes. However, the average lead of freight traffic is falling, and is likely to be 622 km against budgeted 644.5 km. Yet, we are confident of surpassing the freight earnings target which has been increased to Rs 94,000 crore from Rs. 93,554 crore in Budget Estimates.

Considering the trend of passenger earnings, the revised target has been kept at Rs 37,500 crore.

39. There has been continuing strong inflationary pressure on the input costs, especially the cost of fuel, both HSD Oil and electrical energy.

There has also been a higher than expected burden on account of significant fresh recruitment in many safety categories, additional dearness allowance for Railway employees and dearness relief for Railway pensioners.

Yet, as a result of stringent and close monitoring, the increase under Ordinary Working Expenses has been kept at a modest Rs 560 crore only. However, pension allocation requirements have gone up by a more significant Rs 2,000 crore.

Dividend payment to General Revenues has also gone up by Rs 1,591crore with the increase in the rate from 4% to 5%. 

40. Considering the trend of earnings and expenditure, the revised plan outlay stands at Rs 59,359 crore.

Operating Ratio of Railways is likely to be 90.8% as against budgeted target of 87.8%. 

41. I would like to assure the House that continuing the happy trend of 201213, and in a marked improvement from the two earlier years, Railways will end the current year with surplus, and fund balances would increase from Rs 2,391 crore at the beginning of current fiscal to Rs 8,018 crore at the end of March, 2014.

This is primarily attributable to strict fiscal discipline enforced by the organisation. Budget Estimates, 2014-15 

42. Madam, I shall now deal with the Budget Estimates for 2014-15.

43. Anticipating a healthier growth of economy, the freight traffic target is proposed at 1,101 million tonnes, an increment of 49.7 million tonnes over the current years’ revised target of about 1052 million tonnes.

44. The Budget Estimates for goods, passenger, other coaching and sundry other earnings have been kept at Rs. 1,05,770 crore, Rs. 45,255 crore, Rs 4,200 crore and Rs. 5,500 crore respectively in 2014-15. The Gross Traffic Receipts have been projected at Rs. 1,60,775 crore. 

45. Madam, Ordinary Working Expenses have been proposed at Rs. 1,10,649 crore, which is Rs. 13,589 crore higher than the Revised Estimates for the current year. This will take care of additional requirements on account of fresh recruitment, increase in dearness allowance rates, increase in fuel bill, higher lease charges payable to IRFC and general inflationary increases. Pension outgo has been budgeted at Rs. 27,000 crore, as against Revised Estimates, 2013-14 of Rs. 24,000 crore.

Total Working Expenses are budgeted at Rs. 1,44,199 crore as against Rs. 1,27,260 crore in Revised Estimates, 2013-14. This will leave a Net Revenue before dividend of Rs. 19,655 crore, and operating ratio of 89.8%. Dividend payable to General Revenues is estimated at Rs. 9,117 crore. It is estimated that at the end of 2014-15 the balance under the Railway Funds will be Rs 12,728 crore as against Rs 8018 crore in Revised Estimates, 2013-14. Annual Plan 2014-15 

46. The Annual Plan 2014-15 envisages investment of Rs. 64,305 crore as against Budget Estimates 2013-14 of Rs. 63,363 crore and Revised Estimates, 2013-14 of Rs. 59,359 crore. The Budgetary Support from General Revenues has been proposed at Rs. 30,223 crore including Rs. 1,223 crore as Railways’ share from Diesel Cess, and Rs. 6,000 crore earmarked for National Projects. Internal Generation component in the Plan has been kept at Rs. 13,500 crore, besides a drawdown of Rs. 777 crore from the available balance in the Railway Safety Fund. Extra Budgetary Resources including market borrowings through IRFC, ‘PPP’ and other schemes has been pegged at Rs. 19,805 crore. 

47. Madam, I would like to thank all the Parliamentary Committees including the Railway Convention Committee for their full support. New Services 

48. Madam, I have received several demands for new trains. The existing congestion on many of our routes does not permit the railways to increase the number of trains. Besides, running of more passenger trains also affects the freight carrying capacity of railways. Yet I am conscious of the responsibility devolving on the railways towards addressing requirements of the people for additional trains in a need and merit based manner. Despite severe constraints, I am happy to inform the august House that we have decided to introduce a few new trains during 201415.

49. Premium Trains:

i. Howrah – Pune AC Express (Bi-weekly) via Nagpur, Manmad

ii. Kamakhya – New Delhi AC Express (Weekly) via Chhapra, Varanasi

iii. Kamakhya – Chennai AC Express (Weekly) via Malda, Howrah

iv. Mumbai – Howrah AC Express (Bi-weekly) via Nagpur, Raipur 

v. Mumbai – Patna AC Express (Bi-weekly) via Khandwa, Itarsi, Manikpur vi. Nizamuddin – Madgaon AC Express (Bi-weekly) via Kota, Vasai Road vii. Sealdah –Jodhpur AC Express (Bi-weekly) via Mughalsarai viii. Yesvantpur - Jaipur AC Express (Weekly) via Gulbarga, Pune, Vasai Road ix. Ahmedabad – Delhi Sarai Rohilla Express (Tri-weekly) via Palanpur, Ajmer, Rewari x. Bandra – Amritsar Express (Weekly) Via Kota, New Delhi, Ambala xi. Bandra (T) – Katra Express (Weekly) via Kota, New Delhi, Ambala xii. Gorakhpur – New Delhi Express (Bi-weekly) via Lucknow, Moradabad xiii. Katra – Howrah Express (Weekly) Express via Mughalsarai, Varanasi, Saharanpur xiv. Mumbai – Gorakhpur Express ( Bi-weekly) via Khandwa, Jhansi, Kanpur xv. Patna– Bangalore Express (Weekly) via Mughalsarai, Chheoki, Manikpur, Nagpur xvi. Yesvantpur – Katra Express (Weekly) via Gulbarga, Kacheguda, Nagpur, New Delhi xvii. Thiruvananthpuram – Bangalore (Yesvantpur) Express (Bi- weekly) via Erode, Tirupattur 

50. Express Trains : i. Ahmedabad – Katra Express (Weekly) via Palanpur, Jaipur, Rewari, Hisar, Bathinda, Amritsar ii. Ahmedabad – Lucknow Jn Express (Weekly) via Palanpur, Jaipur, Bandikui, Mathura, Kasganj

iii. Ahmedabad – Allahabad Express (Weekly) via Jalgaon, Khandwa, Itarsi, Satna, Manikpur iv. Amritsar – Gorakhpur Express (Weekly) via Saharanpur, Moradabad, Sitapur Cantt.

v. Aurangabad – Renigunta Express (Weekly) via Parbhani, Bidar, Vikarabad vi. Bangalore – Chennai Express (Daily) via Bangarpet, Jolarpettai vii. Bandra (T) – Lucknow Jn Express (Weekly) via Kota, Mathura, Kasganj viii. Bareilly – Bhopal Express (Weekly) via Chandausi, Aligarh, Tundla, Agra

ix. Bhavnagar – Bandra Express (Weekly) via Ahmedabad x. Bhavnagar- Delhi Sarai Rohilla Link Express (Weekly)

xi. Gandhidham – Puri Express (Weekly) xii. Gorakhpur – Pune Express (Weekly) via Lucknow, Kanpur, Bina, Manmad 

xiii. Guntur-Kacheguda Double Decker Express (Bi-weekly);

xiv. Howrah – Yeswantpur AC Express (Weekly)via Bhubaneswar, Gudur, Katpadi xv. Hubli – Mumbai Express (weekly) via Bijapur, Sholapur xvi. Hyderabad – Gulbarga Intercity (Daily)

xvii. Jaipur – Chandigarh Intercity (Daily) via Jhajjar;

xviii. Kacheguda – Tirupati Double Decker Express (Bi Weekly); xix. Kota – Jammu Tawi Express (Weekly) via New Delhi, Ambala

xx. Kanpur – Bandra (T) Express (Weekly) via Kasganj, Mathura, Kota xxi. Lucknow – Kathgodam Express (Tri-weekly) xxii. Manduadih – Jabalpur Express (Weekly) via Allahabad, Manikpur, Satna

xxiii. Malda Town – Anand Vihar Express (Weekly) via Amethi & Rae Bareli; xxiv. Mannargudi – Jodhpur Express (Weekly) via, Jaipur

xxv. Mumbai – Chennai Express (Weekly) via Pune, Gulbarga, Wadi xxvi. Mumbai – Gorakhpur Express (Weekly) via Gonda, Balrampur, Barhani (after gauge conversion);

xxvii. Mumbai – Karmali AC Express (Weekly) via Roha xxviii. Nanded – Aurangabad Express (Weekly) via Purna, Parbhani xxix. Nagpur – Rewa Express (Weekly) via Satna

xxx. Nagercoil – Kacheguda Express (Weekly) via Karur, Namakkal, Salem xxxi. Pune – Lucknow Express (Weekly) via Khandwa, Bhopal, Bina, Jhansi, Kanpur xxxii. Ramnagar – Chandigarh Express (Weekly) via Moradabad, Saharanpur xxxiii. Ranchi – New Jalpaiguri Express (Weekly) via Jhajha, Katihar xxxiv. Secunderabad – Visakhapatnam AC Express (Weekly) via Kazipeth, Vijaywada xxxv. Santragachi – Anandvihar Express (Weekly) xxxvi. Srigangnagar – Jammu Tawi Express (Weekly) via Abohar, Bathinda, Dhuri xxxvii. Thiruvananathapuram-Nizamuddin Express (Bi-weekly) one day via Kottayam and one day via Allepey xxxviii. Varanasi – Mysore Express (Bi-weekly) via Wadi, Daund Passenger trains : 

i. Bina – Katni Passenger (Daily) ii. Dekargaon – Naharlagun Passenger (Daily) after completion of new line iii. Gunupur - Visakhapatnam Passenger (Daily) iv. Hubli - Belgaum Fast Passenger (Daily) v. Jaipur – Phulera Passenger (Daily) 15 

vi. Mannargudi – Mayiladuthurai Passenger (Daily) vii. Punalur – Kanniyakumari Passenger (Daily) via Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram viii. Sambalpur – Bhawanipatna Passenger (Daily)

ix. Tatanagar – Chakulia Passenger (Daily) x. Tiruchendur – Tirunelveli Passenger (Daily) 

51. MEMU Trains : i. Anand – Dakor (Daily 2 services) ii. Anuppur-Ambikapur (6 days a week) iii. Delhi – Rohtak Passenger (Daily 2 services)

iv. Santragachi – Jhargram (5 days a week) 

52. DEMU Trains : i. Morbi – Maliya Miyana ii. Ratlam – Fatehabad Chandrawati Ganj (Daily) after gauge conversion iii. Rewari – Rohtak (Daily) 

53. Extension of Trains i. 14705/14706 Delhi Sarai Rohilla – Sujangarh Express to Jodhpur

ii. 15281/15282 Patna – Saharsa Express to Murliganj iii. 15013 / 15014 Kathgodam – Bhagat Ki Kothi Ranikhet Express to Jaisalmer 

54. Increase in Frequency: i. 16571/16572 Bidar – Yesvantpur Express 3 days to daily ii. 17225/17226 Hubli – Vijayawada Express from 3 days to daily iii. 17319/17320 Hubli – Secunderabad Express from 3 days to daily Surveys 

55. A large number of requests have been received from honourable Members, State Governments and other dignitaries for undertaking railway projects in their areas. The planning process of the railways requires a proper survey to ascertain the need for and viability of the project before it can be sanctioned. 

56. On the basis of requests received from the hon’ble members, state governments and others, following surveys are proposed to be taken up in 201415:

New Lines : 

i. Tiptur – Dudda ii. Nimach – Singoli - Kota iii. Dahod – Modasa 16 

iv. Karad – Kadegaon – Lenare – Kharsundi – Attapadi – Diganchi – Mahud - Pandharpur v. Etah – Aligarh vi. Karnal – Yamuna Nagar via Asandih vii. Extension of Tindivanam – Nagari new line up to Puducherry viii. Challekere – Hiriyur – Huliyur – Chikkanayakanahalli – KB Cross – Turuvekere - Channarayanpatna ix. Betul – Chandur Bazar - Amravati x. Chakia – Kesariya (Kaithwalia) xi. Miraj – Kavathemahankal – Jath - Bijapur xii. Pune – Baramati via Saswad, Jejuri, Moregaon xiii. Etawah – Auraiya – Bhognipur – Ghatampur – Jahanabad – Bakewar – Bindki Road xiv. Haldaur – Dhampur xv. Belgaum – Hubli via Kitturu xvi. Pune – Ahmednagar via Kegdaon Kasti xvii. Bellary – Lingasugur via Siruguppa, Sindhanur xviii. Ghatanandur – Shrigonda Road / Daund via Kaij, Manjarsumbha, Patoda and Jamkhed xix. Birari – Mahatoni – Marwara – Mandanpur – Dhamoni - Sagar Doubling 

57. Following surveys for doubling are proposed to be taken up in 2014-15:-i. Latur Road – Kurduwadi ii. Pune – Kolhapur iii. Allahabad – Pratapgarh iv. Salem – Omalur v. Prabhani – Parli

58. The task on hand is difficult and challenges are big. Yet we are determined to march on and take this magnificent organisation to even greater heights. This would require continued efforts of all members of Rail Pariwar and cooperation of all segments of society and the Government.

59. Madam, as I come to the end of my speech, valuable words of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nahru come to my mind. “A great national and state-owned organisation, like the Railways, is not only an asset of importance but is also a great responsibility. It can only be run with the fullest cooperation of all those engaged in it, keeping in view always the good of the public as well as the good of those engaged in serving the public through this vast organisation.” 

60. With these words, Madam, I commend the Interim Railway Budget for 2014-15 to the august House.